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Frequently Asked Questions
Are you Australian-based?
Absolutely – our team, our product, our servers, everything is located within Australia.
Does eReferrals integrate with my practice’s software?
Not yet. Currently, eReferrals is a stand-alone web application, and patient and referral details must be manually entered to send a referral. Or, your practice can provide us with a patient list and we can upload it onto our application (of course, this will only be visible to practitioners at that specific practice). We aim to integrate with all EHRs/EMRs in due time.
Does eReferrals cost anything to use?
No – as of today, eReferrals is a completely free service to all doctors and patients. Why? Because we want to make sure that it is the right solution. We want as many doctors and patients as possible using eReferrals and providing feedback. So go ahead – use it, refer your friends, hate it, love it – just tell us what we can do to make it better.
Who created eReferrals?
We are a small team of Australian doctors and software engineers. We wanted to create a solution that catered to exactly what doctors wanted, and what better way than by having doctors as an integral part of the team?
What if I’m a pathology and radiology provider? Do I have to sign up?
If you are a pathology or radiology provider on our database, there is nothing for you to do except receive the referral via email! If you are unsure whether you are on our database of providers, please reach out to us on and we can add you to our approved providers. This is completely free. There is no requirement to sign up.